
Mandatory Disclosure Information Pursuant to the Whistleblower Protection Act

Záruba Gastro Inc., ID No.: 25197614, with its registered office at Vrbenská 481/27, České Budějovice 370 06 (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), hereby publishes the following information in accordance with Section 9 Subsection 2 letter b) of Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on Whistleblower Protection (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”):

Notices in terms of the Act can be submitted through:

  1. the internal reporting system to the designated person, who is Jitka Paulusová, telephone: 420 737 277 545, email: paulusova@zarubagastro.cz, mailing address: Vrbenská 481/27, České Budějovice 370 06, either in writing or orally or upon the requester’s personal visit (by prior arrangement with the designated person),
  2. the Ministry of Justice; further details are available on the page https://oznamovatel.justice.cz/.

Further details (including the requirements of the notice) are set forth by the Act, the text of which is available on the page https://oznamovatel.justice.cz/pravni-uprava-a-metodicke-doporuceni/, and the Company’s internal regulations, which can be requested from the designated person.

The Company excludes the acceptance of notices from persons who do not perform work or other similar activities for the Company as per § 2 Subsection 3 letters a), b), h), or i) of the Act.


O společnosti

Jedničce firemního stravování v jižních Čechách.


Vážení zaměstnanci, navštivte stránku whistleblowing s instrukcemi pro odhalování protiprávního jednání dle zákona o ochraně oznamovatelů v naší firmě.
Poskytujeme podporu a ochranu při sdílení důležitých informací.




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