
Záruba Gastro Inc. holds not only mandatory certificates but also those earned through long-term, sincere, and quality work.

ISO 22000

  • Záruba Gastro Inc. is certified under the international standards for food safety management systems.
  • Our system is efficient and effective.
  • We have established a mandatory food safety policy for all our employees.
  • Our food safety team is primarily customer-focused.
  • An internal control system ensures the maximum elimination of non-standard processes.



Verified Company

  • The Verified Company project provides potential customers with information about the high quality of services offered by the targeted entity.
  • Companies awarded the Verified Company certificate are characterized not only by the reliability of the services provided but also by an impeccable reputation among customers and business partners.

Chamber of Commerce

  • Záruba Gastro Inc. is a member of the South Bohemian Chamber of Commerce, a business association in the South Bohemia region.
  • We adhere to the ethical code of the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic.
  • Mutual cooperation broadens our scope of awareness regarding business news and ongoing projects in our region.
  • We are part of the National System of Qualifications.

Association of Chefs and Confectioners of the Czech Republic

  • Collaboration with the Association of Chefs and Confectioners of the Czech Republic enables Záruba Gastro Inc. to elevate the level of gastronomy on a professional basis.
  • We take advantage of specialized training, seminars, and expert coaching sessions led by experienced culinary professionals.
  • We introduce modern trends in contemporary dining.
  • Membership allows our employees to understand gastronomy in a broader context.




About the Company

The number one choice for corporate dining in South Bohemia.


Dear employees, please visit the whistleblowing page for instructions on reporting unlawful conduct according to the whistleblower protection law in our company.
We offer support and protection when sharing important information.




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